Commercial Borrowing And Lending

Commercial Borrowing And Lending

Commercial lenders and borrowers require legal advice during the negotiation and closing of a transaction to lend money. PLLR lawyers offer detailed and strategic advice to lenders and borrowers during the negotiation, drafting and execution of loan agreements.

Business Lawyers For Institutional And Private Lenders

PLLR represents private and institutional lenders and advises on lending arrangements, with specific regard to the security offered by the borrower. We also draft loan and mortgage documents. When a contract is in place, our lawyers also provide collection and foreclosure advice when necessary.

Legal Advice And Representation For Businesses Seeking Commercial Financing

PLLR assists business owners with legal transactions related to their borrowing needs. Our counsel also works with business owners through insolvency and corporate restructuring when needed.

Commercial Lending Lawyers

Combining decades of experience and years of practice to analyze all aspects of a commercial transaction, PLLR lawyers offer professional borrowing and lending advice to commercial clients. Our professional environment allows clients to benefit from the knowledge and experience from all members of the team.

To schedule a consultation about a lending transaction, call us at 604-276-2765 or contact our team online.

Contact us for a consultation.

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