Construction Contracts

Construction Contracts

The most important part of any construction project is the construction contract as it sets out the terms and obligations of all parties, be they the owner, the builders, or the subcontractors. he quality and complexity of contracts can vary substantially, ranging from an oral “hand-shake” agreement to a CCDC (Canadian Construction Documents Committee) contract with extensive supplementary conditions and attached drawings and schedules.

Even the simplest job should have a written contract that sets out the following:

  1. The responsibilities of the builder;
  2. The timelines and schedule for the project;
  3. The parameters of payment and when payments will be made;
  4. Ensuring all parties will follow the obligations of the Builders Lien Act;
  5. The builder will have sufficient insurance and comply with statutory requirements such as the Workers Compensation Act;
  6. A mechanism for changes to the scope of work;
  7. A mechanism for raising and addressing issues if and when they arise;
  8. A mechanism for terminating the contract if issues are not resolved.

When a project has an inadequate or unclear contract or worse – no written contract at all – disputes are almost certain to arise.

The PLLR team has years of experience negotiating construction contracts on behalf of home owners, general contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers. If you have a question about a construction contract, call us at 604-276-2765. You can also contact the firm online or by filling the form below for a free consultation.

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