Workplace Investigations

Workplace Investigations

In the modern work environment, employers are frequently faced with the scenario where one employee levies a complaint of bullying, harassment, abuse and/or discrimination against a co-worker or a supervisor. When such an allegation is disputed, this presents a challenging situation for an employer. More and more, employers are conducting investigations in order to determine what happened. The principle goal of an investigation is to demonstrate that the employer takes allegations seriously and deals with them in good faith and in a manner fair to all involved.

PLLR lawyers have solid expertise in conducting such workplace investigations on behalf of employers.

In order to provide as much protection as possible to the employer, these workplace investigations must be conducted fairly and in accordance with principles of natural justice (what is this – can it be explained?). For this reason, it is often best for the employer to retain independent counsel to conduct the investigation and present a report setting out the findings of the investigation. Doing so protects the employer from allegations of unfairness and bias.

Give our firm a call at 604-276-2765 or fill in the form below for a consultation.

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