Employment Standards Act and Canada Labour Code Matters

Employment Standards Act and Canada Labour Code Matters

PLLR Lawyers can assist in providing advice on interpreting and applying the BC Employment Standards Act (“ESA”) and the Canada Labour Code (“CLC”). Both Acts provide minimum standards with respect to issues such as:

  • Maximum Hours and Overtime;
  • Averaging Agreements;
  • Statutory Holidays;
  • Vacation and Vacation Pay;
  • Pregnancy Leave, Parental Leave and other Leaves of Absence;
  • Termination Pay.

Many employers are under the mistaken impression that their legal obligations to an employee are completely discharged once they have satisfied the provisions of the Employment Standards Act or the Canada Labour Code. It’s important to note that , these provide minimum standards only. Where the contract of employment or the common law provides for greater benefit to an employee than the minimum standards of the ESA or CLC, greater contractual provisions will apply. Common-law termination notice requirements will often be greater.

In need of legal assistance? We can provide legal advice and interpretation of both Acts. Call us at 604-276-2765 or complete the form below to contact us.

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