Collaborative Family Law

Collaborative Family Law

Richmond Collaborative Family Law Lawyers

When couples choose to end their relationship, they may wish to do so with a minimum of conflict, in particular when children are involved. Although many couples begin the divorce process on friendly terms, they may discover that it is the divorce process itself that brings the majority of stress to the situation and it is this adversarial process that makes it most difficult to reach an agreement.

Collaborative family law is an alternative to court, wherein couples are represented by counsel but work together to reach an agreement that is in the best interests of everyone involved. The family law counsel at PLLR Lawyers in Richmond is trained in collaborative law and committed to this process on behalf of clients.

What Is Collaborative Family Law?

Collaborative family law is a process designed to assist families, in particular divorcing couples, to work together to reach their own agreements about the future. In this process, separating couples commit to stay out of court and use open, honest communication during the negotiation process.

Each party in a collaborative family law process is assisted by a collaborative lawyer or a divorce coach. At PLLR Lawyers, firm counsel are committed to the collaborative law process and act on behalf of clients seeking a separation agreement with their former partner.

Experienced Counsel Trained In Collaborative Law

Our firm’s family counsel include a certified family mediator with training in collaborative family law.

Collaborative Divorce Lawyer Serving Richmond

To contact the firm’s Richmond-based lawyers for collaborative family law information, call 604-276-2765 to schedule a consultation. You can also contact the firm online.

Contact us for a consultation.

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